Management Principle 10
Encourage connectedness in and beyond the workplace
Connectedness ensures that employees feel seen, heard and valued for who they are. Inclusion is all about connection. And together they result in more job satisfaction and engagement. A good balance between connectedness and individuality – the recognition of the individual’s own identity – is an essential element in this.
How do you create connectedness?
Gatherings and informal social interaction between employees are very important. In this way they get to know each other better and learn about each other’s background, customs, values and norms.
Tips – how to stimulate connectedness in the workplace
- Provide a time and a pleasant location for people to eat together.
- Provide a seating area in the workplace, where colleagues can share a break and chat.
- Organise activities outside of work that are fun for everyone.
- Set up a shared Strava group, in which employees can share sports tips.
More tips for promoting inclusion and connectedness?
Read more in the printable form.
A case in point
Stoffels Tomaten stimulates employee connectedness all year round
‘We organise various staff parties during the year, including a bowling outing, a party for employees’ families, and so on. We make a point of not just focusing occasionally on connectedness, but on doing so all year round.’
The organisation benefits
‘Our employees know that our door is always open, to everyone. That we are accessible. We also remind our people to treat each other with respect and we resolutely tackle any examples and situations where this does not happen.
‘If people feel more connected with each other, they are more committed to each other and they also stand up for each other more. This can only benefit the atmosphere at work. In addition, we are convinced that the organisation also derives direct economic benefit from this. Commitment to Stoffels is now a shared goal.’
This expert helps leaders stimulate connectedness in the context of diversity. According to her, everything starts with connection.
‘Non-work-related activities such as team building, picnics or drinks stimulate connectedness. But organise those activities in consultation with the team. This will enable you to offer something that’s tailored to everyone’s needs and wishes, and increase the impact of these events at the same time.’
Relationship comes before content
‘If you want to have a meaningful conversation about the diversity in philosophies of life, you first need a strong relationship with your conversation partner. So invest sufficient time in building relationships. Shared solutions to life philosophy issues will then come about more quickly, and you will have a greater basis of support.’
Tools om een veilige werkomgeving mogelijk te maken
Deze vrij raadpleegbare, online tools helpen het huidige niveau van je organisatie op vlak van diversiteit en/of inclusie te bepalen:
Make tasks, schedules and holiday arrangements as personalised as possible
How inclusive is your organisation?