
Management Principle 1

Measure inclusive work, and monitor it

Measure inclusion
Does the organisation really take differences between employees into account? You need insight into the degree to which your SME is experienced as inclusive. This gives insight into where you now stand and where you want to be. It is important to first determine exactly what must be measured, and then to determine how to measure it.

Monitor the inclusion process
The next, essential step is to monitor inclusion on an ongoing basis. Because the workplace is always changing, and therefore requires regular adjustment. Ongoing monitoring of the extent to which employees feel respected and appreciated not only provides a better understanding of what works, but also of what could be improved.

Steer and adjust where necessary
Know your action points. Then act: refine existing initiatives, implement focused activities that contribute to a more inclusive work environment, and so on.


Tips for measuring and monitoring inclusion

  • Determine how your SME scores, using an inclusion scan.
  • Send out satisfaction surveys on a regular basis (e.g. annually) and/or discuss the topic of inclusion in more depth during performance and exit interviews.
  • Monitor initially at the level of practices, not diversity characteristics.

More tips?
Download the collected insights on inclusion derived from the research, in printable format.



a talk with


Strategy diversity and inclusion expert at Untitled Workers Club

Dr Sana Sellami is an expert in the field of diversity and inclusion, in which inclusive organisational culture and communication are key topics.

Her advice is to determine how the organisation scores in terms of inclusion and in terms of the way it deals with philosophy of life diversity in the workplace. This informs managers where their SME stands and which steps it needs to take.

Explore employee attitudes
‘Inclusion is not monitored by counting the number of employees from different backgrounds, but rather by putting the issue to your employees, at regular intervals. This can be done face-to-face or via a questionnaire, depending on the composition and wishes of the team concerned. Be sure to include the following:

  • How do you feel in the workplace?
  • Can you be yourself during working hours?
  • Do you feel that you belong?
  • Do you feel recognised?
  • What is good – and what could be improved?

This provides a clear picture of the perception of inclusion in the workplace and can be used to set up targeted action.’ The exit phase is also of essential importance.

Finally, it is important to get rid of the negative connotations and negatively charged feelings relative to philosophy of life issues. Questions like, “May I go and pray?” or “Can I have a smoke break?” are both simply requests for a short break from work.’

Read the full interview


Tools for conducting inclusion and diversity scan

These freely accessible, online tools (in Dutch) help you determine your organisation’s current level of diversity and/or inclusion:

Create an inclusive atmosphere

Recruit, select and onboard inclusively

Create an inclusive atmosphere

Recruit, select and onboard inclusively