Create a more diverse and more inclusive workplace

An increasing number of organisations are striving for more diversity in the workplace and for a more inclusive work environment. Because efficient management of a diverse group of employees is critical to any successful organisation. Diversity is an inherent part of corporate social responsibility – also for SMEs.

Use our ten management principles

Create an inclusive work environment in your SME, with space for philosophical diversity! This requires specific efforts and goal-oriented action. Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts research centre Public Impact will help you on your way, with 10 management principles – including concrete tips, practical examples and expert advice.

These insights are grouped under 3, important pillars:

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Practically focused, scientific research

These management principles and tips for achieving more diversity in the workplace result from extensive research. The study included interviews with employers, managers, HR managers and employees of Flemish SMEs. There were also group discussions with SME employers who hold different philosophies of life.

The result is a set of specific and workable tools for successfully managing the diversity of perspectives on life present among employees. These tools contain insights that will certainly be of interest to employers, managers and HR managers in SMEs.